Tuesday – Friday 9:00-6:00; Saturday 10:00-5:00

Welcome to the Plinkers Guns & Ammo Shop!

Shipping and Returns



            We do not ship to Alaska because of its location. Canada is between the lower 48 and Alaska and we can not ship Ammunition or any gun related items across international borders.  We love Alaska and apologize for this inconvenience.



        We do ship to Colorado

            We do not ship firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 15 rounds to Colorado.



            We do not ship to Hawaii because of its location.  There are no carriers that allow ammo to be shipped via air.  Sorry Hawaii, we love you!



We do ship to Illinois, under these requirements:

  • We require a copy of your valid state issued ID such as a driver’s license and a copy of your valid FOID (Firearms Owner Identification Card). The addresses on both must match. Please send copies of these to sales@plinkersammo.com .
  • 15% Restocking Fee for cancelled orders.


  • We do not ship to Chicago. Below is a list of zip codes we do not ship to.

      Zip codes we do not ship to:

60827, 60706, 60701, 60699, 60693-60697, 60684-60691, 60680-60682, 60678, 60677, 60673-60675, 60668-60670, 60666, 60664, 60659-60661, 60651-60657, 60649, 60636-60647, 60628-60634, 60602-60626, 60601, 60290


If you place an order with one of these zip codes. Your order will be canceled. You will be refunded for your purchase minus a 15% restocking fee.


We do not ship any firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds to Illinois.



            We do ship to Massachusetts, under these requirements:

  •  We require a copy of a valid firearms permit.  Please email this to sales@plinkersammo.com.
  • 15% Restocking Fee for cancelled orders.


            We do not ship any firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds to Massachusetts. 



        We do ship to Maryland

            We do not ship firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds to Maryland. 



New York

                We do ship to New York, under these requirements: 

  1. We must have signed transfer agreement from a registered seller or a copy of an FFL.  Please email this to sales@plinkersammo.com . Because shipments to New York must be processed in such a manner, shipping times can take longer. When placing your order, please use the FFL address or registered sellers address as your shipping address and the business name. If ammo is returned for any reason or because it is not picked up there will be a $50 restocking fee.
  • 15% Restocking Fee for cancelled orders.


  1.  After all the proper documents have been received and verified the items will ship.  
  2. We do not ship to New York City, Buffalo, or Rochester.  Below is a list of zip codes we do not ship to.  

Zip codes we do not ship to:

        10001-10007, 10009-10014, 10016-10017, 14201-14220, 14604-14609

If you place an order to one of these zip codes. Your order will be canceled. You will be refunded for your purchase minus a 15% restocking fee.

We do not ship any firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds to New York.



        We do ship to Ohio

             We do not ship any firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 30 rounds to Ohio.


Washington DC

            We do not ship ammunition or firearms magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds to Washington DC